Oak Hill Cemetery
- A family can purchase up to a maximum of four burial spaces.
- A cemetery lot can be from one to four burial spaces.
- A resident or taxpayer of Aloha, Benton, Grant or Mullett townships can purchase burial spaces for $100.00 a piece. Non-resident fee is $500.00 per burial space.
- Storage fee, for Non-residents only, during winter or frost months, or if no burial in Oak Hill is $40.00 per month.
- Cost of grave opening/closing is Adult-$400, Baby-$200, and Cremation Urn-$100. Fee to be paid when completed.
All costs are payable to Aloha Township.
Rules and Regulations
- No trees, shrubs or plants shall be planted in cemetery without the permission of the cemetery sexton.
- Cemetery Board may order any tree, shrub or plant removed or pruned when it deems the same is necessary.
- Cemetery Board shall have general supervision of the cemetery and all work therein..
- No flowers shall be placed on graves unless contained in a suitable container. Bedding plants may be planted withing 8-10 inches in front of base of monument but never over entire grave. All artificial flowers or artificial containers, including wire, glass, silk or plastic, are not allowed on cemetery grounds. Otherwise they will be discarded by sexton.
- Grave blankets, wreaths and other winter decorations will be allowed from November 1st thru April 15th.
- All rocks or wooden outlines must be below grade within cemetery.
For more information and a copy of the ordinance, please contact Teresa Sullivan at 231-625-9003 or 231-420-1612.